Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Motherhood: Santa Fail

Have you taken your kids to see Santa yet?

We went last week and it was a complete fail.

Pacman cried the moment he saw Santa and in an attempt to calm him down, Mr jumped in the photo. I passed the baby to Santa and at the last minute thought I'd jump in too (with no makeup and my hair quickly thrown into a bun).

The result?

 Disaster photo!
Did you have better luck with your kids Santa photos?
Melinda. X

The Details:
Pacman is wearing this Oobi tee ($29.95), paired with Pumpkin Patch jeans and Target shoes.
Lawson is wearing this Seed jumpsuit ($19.95 sale price - which of course came on sale after I bought it!)


  1. HAHAHAHA! This is adoreable!! Totally loving this! And OMG you look SO GORGEOUS without makeup!

  2. Haha, well atleast someone likes it!

    Poor Pacman has been scarred for life - we took him to look at Christmas lights the day after this and he cried the whole time.

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